EXIT 32 Truck and Trailer Repair

We at RB Humphreys understand drivers and the mechanical struggles that happen when you live over the road.

Whether it's getting you to that shipper, unloaded or just back on the road to get home to loved ones, we've got you covered.

Humphreys is pleased to unveil EXIT 32 Truck and Trailer Repair!!!

Nestled in our nine bay garage, curated by the best mechanics in CNY, and backed by nearly 70 years in the business, our services will include, but are not limited too:

  • Tires
  • Brakes
  • PMs
  • Accident Repair (Tractor/Trailer)
  • APUs, and more....

Conveniently located off of I90 in Westmoreland, NY.

Call 315-838-2650 x232 for a quote or just run her in....

EXIT 32 Truck and Trailer Repair I-90 Westmoreland, NY - Rome, NY - R.B. Humphreys, Inc.


315-838-2650 EXT.232

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